Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Today I thought we did really good with filming. I also liked the beach part and everything. I thought nothing needed to be changed. I will do more filming tomorrow.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What I did today.

Today I worked on my research paper with Devon, We did pretty good with researching. I also helped Devon with some research on bombs and exposions. I did have some trouble with Justin telling him to just accept Ellee's research paper. He would not accept it because of the format even though he could understand it easily. It was pretty good today though besides that.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

what I did today.

   Today I read up allot on how burns and scars form. I also worked with devon on how explosions work. I think today we did pretty good beside the fact I had to sit with devon who didn't want to work.

Monday, January 14, 2013


  1. There were three myths in this episode of myth busters. If you could blow up a car with your cellphone, If implants could blow up under high pressure, and if computer disk could blow up in cd drives.
  2. all of them were busted because the first one the cellphone could not spark, the second one the implants could not expand and blow up, and the last one they could not blow up a disk in a disk drive.
  3. I would change the cellphone test. They should have made a better setup.
  4. I thin they should test the banana myth.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

science behind the movies reflection

today I found out how to make a ton of props and found out a little about the science behind makeup and props. I felt I did pretty good managing my time and finding research for the project. I had no distractions and I found allot of things to help me with my group on the movie. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

science physics

Today we worked on newtons law of physics. We made a skit,animation,and poster.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

research science in the movies
